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CONTINUALLY FILLED (Jesus Revolution - Bible Study)

So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. And don’t get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless living, but be filled by the Spirit. - EPHESIANS 5:17–18

Before ascending into heaven (the verses you read and reflected on for the closing prayer yesterday), Jesus promised His disciples that they would “receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you” (Acts 1:8), empowering them to be His witnesses. Imagine what the disciples must have been wondering as they waited for the Holy Spirit. What would happen? How would they know it was time to stop waiting and to start witnessing?

They experienced what Jesus promised on Pentecost, the Jewish festival celebrating the beginning of a new wheat harvest, 50 days after Passover. The Bible says that the sound of a mighty wind came from heaven, tongues of fire spread out over the disciples’ heads, and “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4). Then they started talking and people from every nation that had gathered for the festival were amazed and confused: “we hear them declaring the magnificent acts of God in our own tongues” (Acts 2:11). The best answer that people could offer for the strange event was that the disciples were drunk (Acts 2:12).

It’s amazing what we’d rather believe than facing the reality of the Spirit’s work in our lives. What excuses have you heard or given to explain spiritual activity?



People suddenly speaking and hearing in multiple foreign languages wasn’t the only miraculous event. The apostle Peter was literally about to have a personal transformation. Immediately before the Farewell Discourse, Jesus predicted that Peter would deny Him three times that same night—which he did after Jesus’ arrest. After being filled with the Spirit at Pentecost, Peter boldly stood and publicly delivered the first sermon and invitation for sinners to respond to the gospel of Jesus in faith for their salvation!

According to Peter in Acts 2:36–39, how does a person receive the Holy Spirit?



We don’t need another Pentecost any more than we need another crucifixion, resurrection, or ascension. Anyone of any ethnicity in any generation who responds to the gospel with repentance and faith for salvation receives the Holy Spirit. So if believers in Jesus already have the Spirit upon conversion, what does it mean to “be filled by the Spirit” in today’s opening verse?

Two things are important to understand this biblical command. And yes, it is a command (see verse 18)! First, to “get drunk” is to give control of yourself over to the influence and power of alcohol’s effects on your body and mind. Therefore, God’s Word says that you should give yourself over to the influence and power of the Spirit so that your thoughts, desires, and behavior will be affected for holiness.

Second, the Greek word used in Ephesians 5:18 communicates a continual, ongoing process of being filled. Believers receive the Spirit of God at the moment of salvation but must choose to walk with the Spirit daily—choosing His desires over the desires of your flesh (Romans 8:5-8). Walking with the Spirit is the daily pursuit of the Christian.

On a scale of 1–10 (1 = not at all, 10 = completely) how open are you to the Spirit? How willing are you to let Him have complete control of your life?



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What else fills and influences your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and activities?



Read and reflect on Galatians 5:16–26. Confess any sin and pray that your life would be overflowing and fruitful in the Spirit.

You are invited to join us every Wednesday Night for our Online Bible Study. "Jesus Revolution" at 7pm on our Facebook page at

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