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DISCIPLESHIP AND THE CHURCH - Jesus Revolution - Bible Study

"Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - MATTHEW 28:18–20

In the Great Commission, we have answers to all six of the key questions about what the Jesus Revolution is and how we’re to be a part of it.

1. WHY: “All authority.” The purpose of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, ascension, and future return isn’t just so that we can believe that it’s true and go to heaven when we die. He started a revolution and invites us to join it right now, today. Ultimately, because it’s His mission, it can’t fail.

2. WHERE: “Go.” Wherever you go and while you are going, be intentional to join Jesus in His mission. He may or may not call you to go to a faraway place or for a long period of time, but God always wants you to live with intentionality.

3. WHAT: “Make disciples.” Don’t just be saved, be a good person, etc. Your job as a disciple of Jesus is to make more disciples of Jesus. A disciple is someone who is learning how to be like someone else, not just learning about or learning from them. Your life should look more and more like Jesus’ life as you help others grow more and more into Christlikeness too.

4. WHO: “All nations.” For God so loved the world. This will mean going out of your way, getting uncomfortable, getting over prejudices or preconceptions or preferences. Jesus was constantly crossing geographic, ethnic, social, political, cultural, and religious borders so that all people can experience the kingdom and will of God, our Father.

5. HOW: “Baptizing” and “teaching them to observe.” This means the Christian life of the Jesus Revolution is related to the church. Baptism has always been a symbolic but sacred act that identified a person with new life in Christ and new life with the community of His people, the church. God himself exists in relationship (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). There’s no such thing in the Bible as a Christian who loves Jesus but not the church. Churches aren’t perfect and so we need one another for everyone to continue growing in Christlikeness. This happens as we all learn to live out the truth of God’s word. Faith is not just head knowledge to be believed, but wisdom to be observed and lived out in practice. That’s true faith.

6. WHEN: “Always, to the end of the age.” Following Jesus starts with a decision, but it’s more than just a one-and-done deal. The Christian life is an every day, every moment dying to yourself and living for Jesus. This doesn’t happen in your own strength. He is with you and empowers you in this new life.

What do we learn about following Jesus from the great commission?



How will you live out the great commission in your life?



To end, read and reflect on John 17:17–21. Pray for personal commitment to a local church community and to the mission of Jesus. Pray for church unity, health, awakening, and revival.

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