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Peace With God - Day 4

We’ve talked about remembering the promises of God and the character of God, but what about when you don’t feel peace with God? Maybe you’re frustrated with God because it feels like He has let you down recently. Or maybe you’re just disappointed because you can’t believe a loving God would allow such hardship in the world.

Here’s what you need to know: God can bear the full force of your feelings.

He’d rather you voice your concerns to Him than walk away from Him. In fact, God pursues you so wholeheartedly that He sent His own Son to earth to provide a pathway to peace for you.

Without Jesus, we were separated from God because of our sin. And God, being a loving Father, wanted a relationship with us. So He made a way:

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 NIV

Jesus restored peace to our relationship with God, meaning that we have full and free access through Jesus to our Father who loves us, forgives us, and cares for us. It’s okay to get mad at Him when things don’t go the way you’d like—just don’t allow the pain of your circumstances to cloud the goodness of His character.

I've heard it said like this: “We have to inform the pain of our feelings with what we know by faith is true.”

Your feelings are valid, but don’t give them victory over you. In fact, Psalm 46:10 is packed with a powerful reminder:

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 NIV

It instructs us to be still and know that He is God. It doesn’t say, “Be still and feel” that He is God. Our feelings are valid, but they aren’t always rooted in truth. However, God, the object of our faith, is always firm and true, so we can use our faith to filter our feelings.

That doesn’t mean we can’t ever question God. The psalms are full of David and others crying out to God, begging Him to change circumstances, and wondering whether God is listening. But they always come back to the truth—that God is good. He does have good plans for us. He is in control. And He is worthy of our worship and our trust.

If you’re feeling like you don’t have peace with God today, inform those feelings with the power of God’s Word. And remember this good news: Jesus is our pathway to peace with God. He did the work for us. And He already paid the full price for peace.

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