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THE HARVEST IS READY FOR WORKERS - Jesus Revolution - Bible Study

"Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few.” - MATTHEW 9:37

Jesus often used natural imagery in His teaching and parables. He likely gestured to nearby scenes as He taught on grassy hillsides, along dusty paths, or near the water’s edge. Even if they weren’t immediately visible, the mental pictures are clear even when reading His words two thousand years later in our own American context.

How did Jesus describe people in Matthew 9:36? What did He mean?




What did Jesus tell His disciples to do in Matthew 9:37–38? What do you think that meant?




Use the following to identify your own harvest fields.

Where do you spend most of your time?




Write as many names as you can think of within that harvest field.




Where are you around the most lost people?



Write as many names as you can think of within that harvest field.



Who are your neighbors and family members?



Write as many names as you can think of within that harvest field.



Go back into each of your harvest fields and circle the names of Christians who you can pray will join the work of evangelism and discipleship.

Put stars next to at least one person in each field that you will pray for their salvation.

To end, read and reflect on Romans 10:8–15. Pray for more workers and for a great harvest.

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