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We Are the Church - Part 3

We Are the Church—3

Letting Go of Loneliness

I have a Vision for our Church that ....

When the church service is over—You stay in the room.

When the check is paid—You stay at the table.

When the tears stop flowing—You keep on hugging.


Accord to a recent Harvard Univ Study—1 in 3 people believe

· You have needs in your life and no one to meet them.

· You have hurts to share and no one to listen to them.

· You have love to give and no one to receive it.


If you’re a normal group of 3 people,

The Harvard study—36% of Americans

36 % of Americans Endure ongoing feelings of Loneliness

Isolation, and Longing to Love and Be Loved.

And God never intended it to be this way …


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Gen 1:1

Let there be light—Light was good.

Created Day/Night—Land/Water—It was good.

Stars—Plants—Fish—Birds—It was all good.


Then … God said something wasn’t good!

After creating man … w/ no one to celebrate, cry, laugh, share life.

18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” Gen 2:18 NLT

22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man. 23 “At last!” the man exclaimed. Gen 2:22-23 NLT


Think back to what God said … Before he made man.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.” Gen 1:26

Notice—God said, Let us make man in our image—Plural.


Hard to get our mind around—But God himself is never alone.

God is—Perfect Community—Father, Son, HS.

3 distinct personalities—United as one God

Why did God create man.

· God didn’t create us because he was lonely.

· God created us because he is love.


Love isn’t just what he does—Who he is!

Greatest command—Love God—Love neighbor!


Early church understood—Embraced this!

46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Acts 2:46-47 (Not just one day a week)

Every day they continued to meet together.

More than just Physical Proximity— there was Emotional Unity.


Why did they gather so often? They needed each other!

Persecution—Praying—Share miracles—Crying—Rejoicing.

—Glad/Sincere hearts!

Fundamental difference between the 1st Century church vs Church today.

· The first-century believers desperately needed each other, and they knew it.

· Believers today desperately need each other, and they have forgotten it.


MH expert—Most people seeking autonomy/independence.

Design life to do without intimacy.

Observe on SocialMedia without real interaction.

Work without the hassle of relationships—Flex schedule—Limit accountability

Shop online—Bank online—Watch sermons online.


· People are intentionally pursuing a life that destroys their mental health and robs them of real joy and lasting fulfillment.

God never intended it to be that way.

When service is over—You stay in the room.

When the check is paid—Stay at the table.

When the tears stop flowing—Keep on hugging.


Intimidating. Strangers? Tell them my issues?

What is a Jesus-honoring church? (3 qualities)

· A gathering of grace.

… You have a permanent place in my heart! You have remained partners with me in the wonderful grace of God. Phil 1:7 TPT

Because of God’s grace—we have a Safe place to —Belong, Believe, Become.


You are welcome w/ your questions, doubts, hurts,

Addictions, baggage, depression. Gathering grace.


· A gathering of healing.

Confess to God for forgiveness. Confess to people for healing.

16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. James 5:16

You come & you confess—You pray! Healed—Other ways.


A Gathering of Grace—A Gathering of Healing


· A gathering of mission.

46 Every day they continued to meet together … They ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God ... And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2

Serve one another. Galatians 5:13

Show hospitality to one another. 1 Peter 4:9

Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32

Encourage one another. 1 Thessalonians 4:18

Carry one another’s burdens. Galatians 6:2

If You could get out of yourself—Love someone as God loved.

When you see someone—Hurting—Need—Loses loved one.

Don’t just leave a comment—Don’t just text— but Pick up phone.

Drive over and sit w/ them.

When you’re hurting, someone will do the same for you.


We are the church!

When the service is over—We stay in the room.

When the check is paid—We stay at the table.

When the tears stop flowing—We keep hugging.

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